Public Benefit Navigators Can Help Granite Staters Access Federal Assistance and Support the Economy

New Hampshire has a historic opportunity to support both immediate and long-term economic prosperity and help build an equitable recovery that fully includes struggling Granite Staters. About one in four New Hampshire adults, or approximately a quarter of a million people, found it somewhat or very difficult to pay for usual household expenses in early ...

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children: Enrollment Before and During the COVID-19 Crisis

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides key nutritional aid, education and support, and healthcare referral services to eligible women, infants, and young children throughout New Hampshire and the nation. This program is targeted towards pregnant women and mothers with young children who have lower incomes and certain health or ...

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: State Outreach to Eligible Populations

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) supports the nutritional needs of individuals and families facing economic hardships and limited incomes. In New Hampshire, SNAP is administered as the New Hampshire Food Stamp Program and, before the pandemic, assisted about 45,000 adults and 29,000 children.[1] Previous NHFPI analysis found that the New Hampshire Food Stamp Program ...

Uneven Employment Impacts and Recovery from the COVID-19 Crisis

Economic conditions overall have vastly improved since the initial swift and severe impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. However, the uneven impacts of the pandemic on certain groups of workers and industries, and the recovery not yet reaching all of those most affected, has resulted in lingering economic challenges in New Hampshire. Proactive policy solutions and ...

Greater Investments Key for Students Facing Inequities Across New Hampshire

Throughout New Hampshire, children of families facing income challenges have more limited access to many key opportunities than their peers in higher-income households. Free and reduced-price meal programs, which use low household incomes or certain other criteria to determine eligibility, provide detailed data on a local level that offers insight into the financial security of ...

The State Budget for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023

New Hampshire’s new State Budget will fund State-supported services during a critical time in the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. The dynamic public health environment at the beginning of the budget period suggests that the health and economic well-being of Granite Staters, particularly those with the fewest resources, may be at considerable risk during the ...