Building a Strong Foundation for a Prosperous Economy

The New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute’s 5th annual conference, “Building a Strong Foundation for a Prosperous Economy,” will be held Friday, February 23, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH.

Conference speakers and panel participants will examine key policy concerns related to health and education, which together contribute to New Hampshire’s human capital, and housing and transportation, the physical capital essential to residents and businesses.

Presenters will discuss the connections between these policy areas and address the impacts federal and state policy decisions make on New Hampshire’s ability to meet current and future needs and sustain a prosperous economy that benefits all Granite Staters.

Join New Hampshire business, nonprofit, and community leaders, policymakers and policy experts, and other concerned citizens for this important conversation on how best to build a strong foundation that enables children and families to thrive.


8:00 – 8:45          
Registration and Breakfast

8:45 – 9:15          
Welcome and Opening Remarks

AnnMarie French, Interim Executive Director, NHFPI

9:00 – 9:15          

Barbara Couch, President and Chair of the Board, Hypertherm HOPE Foundation

9:15 – 9:30           
NH Economic and Demographic Overview

Phil Sletten, Policy Analyst, NHFPI

9:30 -10:30         
Building Human Capital: Enabling Prosperity Through Health and Education

Moderated panel discussion followed by Q&A.

  • Lisa Bujno, MSN, APRN, Assistant Medical Director, Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Littleton
  • Brendan Minnihan, Superintendent, SAU 30, Laconia School District
  • Lucy Hodder, Director of Health Law and Policy, University of New Hampshire School of Law/Institute for Health Policy and Practice
  • Evelyn Aissa, Executive Director, Reaching Higher NH
  • Moderator: Kristine Stoddard, Policy Director, Bi-State Primary Care Association, NHFPI Board of Directors

10:30 – 10:45     

10:45 – 11:45     
Building Physical Capital: Strengthening Our Economy Through Housing and Transportation

Moderated panel discussion followed by Q&A.

  • Dean Christon, Executive Director, New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority
  • Peter Stamnas, Director of Project Development, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
  • Jennifer Czysz, AICP, Assistant Director, Nashua Regional Planning Commission
  • Moderator: Ryan Audley, President and CEO, R.S. Audley, Inc., NHFPI Board of Directors

11:45 – 12:15
Building a Strong Foundation: Moving New Hampshire Forward

  • Jackie Cowell, Executive Director, Early Learning NH
  • Charles Ansell, Chief Financial Officer, Community College System of NH

12:15 – 12:30
Closing Remarks

AnnMarie French, Interim Executive Director, NHFPI


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