Medicaid Enrollment by Municipality

There are significant disparities in the distribution of the New Hampshire population and median population ages between the southeastern region and more rural regions of the state, as municipalities located closer to metropolitan Boston typically have a lower median age than those in rural northern and western areas of the state. Aging demographics may prompt ...

Food Stamp Program Enrollment by Municipality

The New Hampshire Food Stamp Program, often identified by the underlying federal program called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), provides low-income individuals and families with resources to purchase certain food items at grocery stores and other food retailers. Recipients can qualify for SNAP in New Hampshire in several different ways, including through enrollment in ...

Property Wealth by Municipality

Municipal property valuation indicates the total value of properties in a municipality that local governments can use as a tax base to raise revenue. Municipalities with larger populations generally have the highest total property valuation, as properties in the municipality contribute to the total valuation and larger municipalities will necessarily have more housing, commercial buildings, ...

Municipal Median Household Incomes Compared to the State Median Household Income

Median household income is a useful measure to understand the typical middle-income levels of a given locality. Compared to the nationwide 2012-2016 American Community Survey estimate ($55,322, +/- $120), New Hampshire fares very well, with a median household income estimate of $68,485 (+/- $579), which places the state among the top ten highest median household ...

State Revenues Receive Two Thumbs Up for FY 2016 Performance

Recent data from the Department of Administrative Services reveals that the General and Education Funds, two of the state’s main sources of revenue, experienced a banner year. Combined collections for these two funds in FY 2016, excluding one-time tax amnesty proceeds, were approximately 6 percent higher than what was yielded during the previous fiscal year, ...

Increased Hiring Since Early 2015, Strong Revenue Collections Evidence of Healthy Business Sector

Given the incredible difficulty of forecasting the future, it’s extremely rare that the amount of revenue collected by the state of New Hampshire precisely matches official projections. However, that is exactly what occurred in the month of April, as the General and Education Funds received $271.7 million, the exact amount policymakers anticipated in setting the ...