New Analysis Finds an Estimated 4,000 Granite Staters May Be Out of the Workforce Due to Long-COVID

Concord, NH – Approximately 4,000 New Hampshire residents may be out of the workforce entirely due to the lingering effects of long-COVID, according to a new study from the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute. This estimate highlights the significant and ongoing economic impact of the pandemic on the Granite State, where the average monthly number ...

State Fiscal Situation Improves with Higher Revenues and Agency Underspending

A combination of revenues recovering faster than anticipated, including some potentially atypical receipts, and underspending at public agencies has improved the State of New Hampshire’s fiscal situation relative to projections from earlier in the year. While the situation is more favorable than previously expected, significant unknowns remain, including the course of the pandemic and the ...

New Data Show Food Insecurity Levels Declining Prior to the COVID-19 Crisis

According to data released on September 9 by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), food insecurity levels in New Hampshire continued to decline during 2019, prior to the onset of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The report outlines the trends of reduced food insecurity in the nation and in New Hampshire, declining from the higher ...

CARES Act Economic Impact Payments May Not Automatically Reach 9,900 Eligible Granite Staters

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed in March was the largest piece of legislation aimed at providing relief and support in response to the COVID-19 crisis. A key type of aid being distributed is direct cash payments, officially called Economic Impact Payments (EIPs). These payments are sent by the U.S. Internal ...

The COVID-19 Crisis Contributes to Increased Need for Mental Health Supports

The COVID-19 pandemic and the necessary actions to mitigate the health impacts may increase the need for mental health and substance use disorder support, due to exacerbated emotional stress. The uncertainty surrounding the crisis, social isolation, anxiety, and poor economic conditions may negatively impact mental health. Previous research suggests loss of financial assets, job loss, ...

New Data Provide Insight into Extensive Economic Impacts and Income Losses from the COVID-19 Crisis

The challenges facing Granite Staters due to the COVID-19 crisis are unprecedented, and data continue to suggest the negative effects of this crisis are concentrated on those who are most vulnerable. New survey data indicate nearly half of New Hampshire households have lost employment income since March 13, and one in six have either missed ...