New Hampshire Policy Points 2025

Connect to NHFPI’s latest edition of New Hampshire Policy Points, which provides a data-driven snapshot of key issues facing Granite Staters, such as population and demographics, income and economic security, economy and jobs, housing, health, education, broadband internet, transportation, and how we fund public services.

New Hampshire Policy Points

A Guide to Key Issues Facing Granite Staters This first edition of New Hampshire Policy Points provides an overview of the Granite State and the people who call New Hampshire home. It focuses in on some of the issues that are most important to supporting thriving lives and livelihoods for New Hampshire’s residents. Moreover, the book ...

Long-Term Services and Supports in New Hampshire: A Review of the State’s Medicaid Funding for Older Adults and Adults with Physical Disabilities

Older adults and adults with physical disabilities, including those who have trouble performing day-to-day tasks, may require long-term services and supports, which can be provided through professional health and personal care providers. For adults who are financially eligible, Medicaid can cover the cost for long-term supports and services. In New Hampshire, these services are provided ...

The American Rescue Plan Act and New Hampshire: Recent and Updated Resources

The federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which was signed into law on March 11, 2021, was designed to provide direct support to individuals and families, as well as state and local governments, to address the pandemic’s health and economic impacts. NHFPI has been tracking the impacts of ARPA on the New Hampshire economy and ...

COVID-19 Resource Page

The impacts of the COVID-19 crisis will affect New Hampshire residents in many ways, from both the immediate health and financial impacts to long-term economic consequences. NHFPI will continue to publish resources examining issues related to the COVID-19 crisis, including health policy, economic security supports for Granite Staters, economic trends, state revenues, the effects of ...