Trends Among State Budget Categories

State agencies are required to submit budget requests every State Budget cycle, listing the activities they identified as core to their work as well as needs or requests unfunded or underfunded in past State Budgets. State agencies produce “efficiency budget” requests and identify “additional prioritized needs,” which together comprise the total agency request. These requests ...

Exploring the State Agency Budget Requests

State agencies are required to submit budget requests every State Budget cycle, listing the activities they identified as core to their work as well as needs or requests unfunded or underfunded in past State Budgets. State agencies produce “efficiency budget” requests and identify “additional prioritized needs,” which together comprise the total agency request. These requests ...

NH Department of Health and Human Services Budget Request

State agencies are required to submit budget requests every State Budget cycle, listing the activities they identified as core to their work as well as needs or requests unfunded or underfunded in past State Budgets. State agencies produce “efficiency budget” requests and identify “additional prioritized needs,” which together comprise the total agency request. These requests ...

State Agency Budget Requests with Historical Context

State agencies are required to submit budget requests every State Budget cycle, listing the activities they identified as core to their work as well as needs or requests unfunded or underfunded in past State Budgets. State agencies produce “efficiency budget” requests and identify “additional prioritized needs,” which together comprise the total agency request. These requests ...

Ten Years of Municipal Median Household Income Estimates

The U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey seeks to collect information on demographic and housing characteristics of residents of the United States within different geographies, ranging from describing the entire nation to understanding small communities. The U.S. Census Bureau produces five-year estimates, based on five successive years of survey data to achieve sufficient sample sizes ...

Geographic Distribution of the Population

Using 2010 Census data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the map below shows population distribution across New Hampshire’s municipalities. The larger the population of the municipality, the darker the shade of red. The larger municipal populations are located in urban areas in and around Manchester and Nashua, as well as in Concord, Rochester, Dover, and ...