Health policies have enormous impacts on the lives on Granite Staters. Federal programs such as Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program have critical roles in the health and well-being of many Granite State children and families. Health programs that support individuals with disabilities, fund home-based care, and provide access to mental health and behavioral health services are essential to helping ensure the health needs of New Hampshire residents are addressed.
NHFPI strives to explain the effects of health policy decisions, both federal and state, upon the New Hampshire budget and New Hampshire residents and to explore changes in policies that could help maintain and improve people’s health, now and into the future.
Featured Resources
An Estimated 4,000 Granite Staters May Be Out of the Workforce Due to Long-COVID
Food Insecurity Continues to Increase Among Granite Staters Since 2021
Survey data analyzed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides reliable insights into the number of households experiencing food ...
About One in Eighteen Granite Staters Were Enrolled in SNAP Assistance in State Fiscal Year 2024
Funding for Long-Term Services and Supports in New Hampshire
Presented by Phil Sletten, Research Director at the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute, at the New Hampshire Long-Term Care Summit in ...