By many metrics, New Hampshire experienced a slow but meaningful recovery in the decade following the Great Recession. However, not all Granite Staters felt the effects of subsequent economic recovery equally. Much of the job growth in the state in recent years has been driven by lower wage industries, and Granite Staters earning lower and middle wages during the recovery saw their purchasing power either barely keep up or fall behind the cost of living. The economic downturn resulting from the COVID-19 crisis has deeply impacted the economic security of many Granite Staters.
NHFPI explores trends in wages, poverty, and other economic measures; the implications of those trends for Granite Staters; and public policies designed to foster economic opportunity and prosperity in New Hampshire.
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New Hampshire’s Growing Population and Changing Demographics Before and Since the COVID-19 Pandemic
During the past decade, New Hampshire has experienced several ongoing trends in terms of its population size and changing demographics. Population growth has been largely influenced by both international and domestic migration, rather than births in the state. While statewide population has increased, particularly during the current decade, counties have experienced population changes differently, with ...
New Hampshire’s Economy, Household Finances, and State Revenues
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