Rainy Day Fund May Provide Resources for Emergency Supports

As the COVID-19 crisis continues, New Hampshire policymakers will have to muster additional resources to respond to the health and economic needs of residents. Although New Hampshire will be challenged to raise the additional resources likely needed to address this crisis, the State does currently have resources it can deploy quickly, including the $115.3 million ...

COVID-19 Crisis Threatens Financial Stability of the State and Residents

The COVID-19 crisis poses a risk not only to the health of New Hampshire residents, but to their financial security and State revenues as well. State revenues finished the month of February ahead of the State Budget’s planned expenses, but the current revenue surplus is not nearly as significant as those the State has relied ...

Risk of COVID-19 Exacerbates Disparities in Access to Health and Other Services

With the potential for an increased need for health services in the coming weeks as the 2019 novel coronavirus spreads, Granite Staters face uneven access to health care. Successful access to health services typically requires access to both health providers and coverage, and often the ability to pay expenses out-of-pocket. Approximately 77,000 New Hampshire residents, ...