New Hampshire Expands Access to Safety Net Programs and Supports During the COVID-19 Crisis

Programs such as Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provide means-tested benefits that help support the basic needs of individuals and families with low incomes. During these times of profound economic instability, assistance to families and individuals living at or near the poverty line, along with those ...

March State Revenues Underperform Ahead of Coming Declines

With the ongoing COVID-19 crisis dramatically impacting New Hampshire’s economy and employment in key sectors, State revenues are likely to be significantly reduced relative to expectations, threatening vital services in a time of high need. March revenues do not yet reflect the expected impacts, as many collections are based on activity from months preceding the ...

Unemployment Benefits and Temporary Income Supplements Provide Financial Support During the COVID-19 Crisis

As a result of the necessary public health steps to combat to the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus, financial strains on individuals and families are emerging rapidly. Recommendations, guidelines, and emergency orders from federal and state officials have led to profound changes to the ways Granite Staters live and work. In order to assist ...

Federal CARES Act to Provide Relief to Residents, $1.25 Billion to New Hampshire State Government

The United States Congress has approved federal emergency relief for individuals and states in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This approximately $2 trillion emergency relief package provides supports for individuals, families with children, and states in the forms of one-time grants, unemployment compensation benefits, and other assistance, with many other provisions ...

Food Insecurity Among Granite State Students May Increase Due to COVID-19 Crisis

Many New Hampshire students from households with low incomes are food insecure and depend on access to free or reduced-price meals at school. These meals are provided through a combination of federal, state, and local programs designed to reduce food insecurity. With New Hampshire schools closed at least through April 3 in response to the ...

New Hampshire’s Older and At-Risk Populations May Require Greater Levels of Care in COVID-19 Crisis

New Hampshire’s population may be disproportionately vulnerable to more severe instances of COVID-19 due in part to the state’s older demographic. With higher estimated percentages of older adults and younger at-risk adults than the country as a whole, New Hampshire’s health care system may be especially strained to respond to this crisis. Available information indicates ...