Federal Aid and the Recovery from the COVID-19 Crisis

The New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute and a panel with key New Hampshire perspectives discussed the implications of the recently-enacted federal American Rescue Plan Act, and the aid available to New Hampshire to support the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. The pandemic has resulted in profound challenges for many Granite Staters, and sustained assistance will ...

Building Economic Resiliency: An Inclusive Recovery

Presented by AnnMarie French, Executive Director of the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute, and Phil Sletten, Senior Policy Analyst at the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute, at the New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsibility Virtual Sustainable Business Conference, Silver Linings: Resiliency and Regeneration, on May 5, 2021.

Examining the State Budget: The House Finance Committee’s Proposal

Following the release of the Governor’s budget proposal, the House Finance Committee has been making amendments and modifications to the State’s spending plan for the next two years. This presentation will review the House Finance Committee’s proposed State Budget for State Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023, which will be presented to the House for any ...