Limited State Public Higher Education Funding Likely Limits Workforce Growth

Three of the five occupations with the largest projected ten-year growth in New Hampshire are in fields that require college degrees, including registered nurses, general and operations managers, and software developers. Given the need for workers in jobs that require college degrees, access to public higher education for Granite Staters is key, as is its ...

Child Care in New Hampshire: High Price, Low Supply

Download a PDF version of this Fact Sheet here. Child Care is Unaffordable for Most Granite State Families In 2022, the average annual price for an infant in center-based child care in New Hampshire was $15,340, and $10,140 annually for family child care. The average annual price for both an infant and a four-year old ...

Education in New Hampshire: Fiscal Policies in 2023

Download a PDF version of this Fact Sheet here. Number of Students in New Hampshire Schools Continues to Decline About 40,300 fewer students were in New Hampshire public schools the last academic year than during 2002-2003. This reduction is driven by long-term demographic changes, as New Hampshire had the largest percentage decline in its child ...

Housing in New Hampshire: Shortage Raises Costs

Download a PDF version of this Fact Sheet here. Median Single-Family House Sale Prices and Interest Rates are Rising The median sale price for a single-family house in the Granite State reached $499,000 in June 2023, a 51.2 percent increase from June 2020 and the highest monthly median sale price recorded. Using a 6.64 percent ...

Health in New Hampshire: Data and Policies in 2023

Download a PDF version of this Fact Sheet here. Health Care Costs Remain Significant for Granite State Families The Massachusetts Institute of Technology estimated a family of two adults and one child in New Hampshire would pay about $9,022 annually for medical costs, or about 7.2 percent of median household income for three-person families in ...

Living Expenses, Financial Vulnerability, and Poverty in New Hampshire

Download the PDF version of this Fact Sheet here. Median Household Incomes by Family Type The estimated 2022 median household income in New Hampshire was $89,992. Between 2017 and 2021, the median income for a married-couple family with at least one child in New Hampshire was $133,000, while median incomes for single male householders with ...